Strange false positive (owner of)

Hi, I just came across an message by Languagetool that I have no idea how it happens:
(Using my python-cli, but it is also reproducable on the website)

➜  ~ echo "This needs to be signed by the owner of the House" | pylanguagetool
Use "(owner)" if you mean to express an extreme with this adjective.
  ✗ This needs to be signed by the owner of the House
  ✓ This needs to be signed by the (owner) of the House

Text checked by https://languagetool.mydomain.example/v2/ (LanguageTool 4.1)
➜  ~ echo "The owner of a test" | pylanguagetool
Use "(owner)" if you mean to express an extreme with this adjective.
  ✗ The owner of a test
  ✓ The (owner) of a test

Text checked by https://languagetool.mydomain.example/v2/ (LanguageTool 4.1)

Does anyone know why this happens or what goes wrong?

Many Thanks


‘owner’ is tagged as a relative pronoun of own (own/JJR).

Is there any non-archaic application of this word?

Ah, I didn’t think of a comparative adjective.

The test is owner than test doesn’t show an error.

➜  ~ echo "The better of a test" | pylanguagetool 
Use "best" if you mean to express an extreme with this adjective.
  ✗ The better of a test
  ✓ The best of a test

Text checked by (LanguageTool 4.1)

But why the solution is adding brackets is still not clear to me.

It tries to find a JJS (superlative) for the own root, but there is none in the dictionary. As such, it adds the brackets. This is why I think it is OK to had owner to removed.txt
An alternative would be to not provide results, but this would be even harder to troubleshoot.

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No. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and Mirriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary show that the adjective ‘own’ is usually after a possessive (“I cooked my own dinner”). I didn’t find ‘owner’ as a comparative on

I removed the POS JJR from ‘owner’ ([en] Remove JJR from 'owner' · languagetool-org/languagetool@ff3caba · GitHub).

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The same issue just happened to me with another sentence:

This is in the folder of the test.

Fixed ‘folder’ ([en] Remove incorrect POS from fold/er · languagetool-org/languagetool@01b0128 · GitHub).